Thursday, February 25, 2021

Spring in Arkham

Another conversation at J. Pollack Fine Antiques, late on Friday, April 3.

"Jesus, I cannot believe that he killed himself. I mean, I knew them somewhat well as a couple, and they did seem to be a really good match. Poor Diana!" Jules Pollack silently cursed that he was out of cognac yet again. 

"Yes, I do really feel horrible." Howard Lake chimed in. "You know, I actually knew Jake...well, Jacob, as a kid, and we went to High School together. We had quite a few good times. My mother just told me that her and Violet - my sister, you know - actually ran into Jacob in the book store this very Monday evening. He apparently looked horrible. Early onset hair loss and bad eating habits, no doubt." 

"Hrmf". Moira Baker snorted. "Hair loss my derriere. This is a clear-cut case of radioactive poisoning. I trust my new friend, Mr. Geiger, quite a bit. He's rarely wrong. And both the blood samples and the body itself left very little to the imagination. Positively glowing in death." 

"Perhaps we should commemorate his life with a glass of fine recycled fortified urine?" Mackie just could not get over what seemed to be a hint of something strange on her palate after having had tea with Dr. Emmett Brown. "Nevertheless, I am glad we visited Dr. Brown. He may be more than a little eccentric, but he knows his physics. He is actually quoted by Einstein himself in one of Albert's treatises". 

"But what about the mountains?"  Jules had finally scrounged up a fresh bottle of cognac. 

"Yes, and what about Bogislav Klimnik?" Irwin Bowers pronounced the name slowly, like if it was drenched in molasses. 

Dr. and Mrs. Spinoza



Arkham Scientist Found Dead

Friday, April 3, 1925

Dr. Jacob D. Spinoza was found dead in his home this Wednesday, April 1. Dr. Spinoza may have been consumed by an extraordinary workload,  although the Arkham Police Department is investigating the issue. Dr. Spinoza had a brilliant career, primarily with various Ivy League universities on the East Coast, but more recently with his Alma Mater. Miskatonic University, and more recently in the construction of the cutting-edge Topsfield power plant, that is being constructed by General Electric. He is survived by his young wife, Mrs. Diana Spinoza nee Burgess.


Cougars win Stanley Cup

Friday, April 3, 1925

The Stanley Cup Final was played on March 30 at the Patrick Arena in Victoria, British Columbia. The Victoria Cougars (WCHL) beat the Montreal Canadiens (NHL), 6-1 for a 3-1 series win. The Cougars was celebrated in their home town on April 2.


Violent Mob Killing

Friday, April 3, 1925 

Mr. Arnold Lake of  3 Apple Lane was gunned down this morning in an exceptionally violent attack. Mr. Lake, a retired railway worker, had previously spent time in the Springfield State Penitentiary between 1917 and 1918, being sentenced for several counts of battery as well as embezzlement while conducting railroad union activism and organizing labor.

Lake in 1917

Tennessee rejects Darwin

                                                       Wednesday, April 1, 1925

Tennessee governor Austin Peay passed the Butler Act on March 21,  making Tennessee the first state to outlaw teaching the theory of evolution. Professor Marcus G. Lake of the Miskatonic University's Biology Department rejected the Butler Act at an animated debate about Darwinism at the university library: "It is foolish to assume that natural selection does not work. There is solid proof to be had in nature and in fossils". Professor Lake was unfortunately interrupted at this point by a what seemed to be a religious fanatic later identified as Roscoe Phelps,  who made loud monkey-like noises while throwing bananas at Professor Lake. He was apprehended by the campus security staff.


                  Partial Building Collapse on East Derby Street 
                                                                     Friday, April 3, 1925 

A residential building on East Derby Street opposite the Grand Opera suffered a partial collapse for unknown reasons last evening. The Arkham Police Department are currently investigating the case, and the most likely cause is currently ascertained to be a local landslide. An unidentified individual in scant garments was seen leaving the scene.

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