Wednesday, February 17, 2021



Storm Ravages Martin's Beach, Kingsport

Sunday, March 8, 1925

The spring storm of March 8 and 9 is feared to have led to the disappearance of M/S Mary P. Benjamin, a fishing vessel from Kingsport, as well as her crew of four. The captain, Jerome K. Philbin, decided to ignore warnings against leaving port during the storm, and it is assumed that the sea swallowed both the vessel and her crew. Elsewhere, several buildings in Kingsport were damaged, while Martin's Beach saw significant damage to the main pier, which also was covered by pieces of foul-smelling fish. Mr. Vernon Morrison and Ms. Johanna Glover of Martin's Beach were swept out to sea, but rescued despite the terrific storm by Mr. Jules Pollack and Ms. Moira Baker of Arkham in an astounding feat of swimming and compassion. 

Gregory Goyle Carried to Final Rest

The remains of young Gregory Goyle were buried this morning in Christchurch Cemetary. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Warburton Goyle, held a brief speech at the funeral, insisting that the "Arkham Madman" Henry Chester and any possible accomplices would be found and brought to justice. Mrs. Goyle ended the ceremony with a deeply sorrowful eulogy, stating that Gregory was " a true model for young men everywhere, and one with a bright future, one that is now extinguished". Gregory Goyle is mourned by his family and friends, and especially his older brother Stafford, and his older sister,  Carmilla. 


Power Plant Construction Commences

Tuesday, March 10, 1925

Councilman Bedford Duvall has announced that the construction of a new powerplant on the Miskatonic River will commence this week, after Federal funding had been approved. A site southeast of Topsfield has been surveyed, and the location will fit the demands of both the Town Council and General Electric, the winning contractor. Chief engineer Jacob T. Spinoza expects the power plant to be ready by July this year.


Full Throttle for New England!

Wednesday, March 18, 1925

Miskatonic Millionaire Magnate Lotus Ashford II has sponsored a Boston-Albany-Burlington-Boston motor race that will take place on Saturday, July 4. The event will showcase the prowess of the American auto industry as well as the abilities of our nation's drivers in competition with other drivers from around the world. The winner will receive what is described as a "significant cash prize". 


B&L Miners on Strike

Friday, March 20, 1925

The workers of the Barrow and Locke Mining Company have been on strike since Wednesday, when the morning shift failed to report to the mining operation in the Halliburton Hills southwest of Newburyport. Rumors claim that the strike has been caused by unsafe working conditions in and around the mine.


Dunstan Dunford running for Mayor 

Sunday, March 29

Mr. Dunstan Dunford announced yesterday that will be running for mayor of Arkham in the November elections. He will be running against the incumbent mayor, The Honorable Jonathan D. Bryce, who has served as mayor for three terms. According to influential Council Member Bedford Duvall, Dunford represents real change, and the prospects of finally bringing Arkham into a prosperous 20th century for all of its citizens.

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