Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Chicago Spectator
Tuesday, April 1, 1924
- All the News that is Fit to Print -

Wild Shootout at Union Station
Suspected Germans abduct young girl and take hostages - Strange pyrotechnic displays in railway car - Wild aerial chase - Trains delayed

As the 10.34 from Los Angeles rolled into Union Station, shocked onlookers witnessed how a woman pulled out a rifle and opened fire at two men who had taken hostages. As the two crooks returned fire, another man pulled out a pistol and added to the fray. The wild firefight continued into the train, and as police started making arrests, it turned out that a Dr. von der Lippe and a Major Niszka had taken a young girl, Beata Prlwytzkowska, hostage. The Krauts were apparently planning on abducting the poor girl to ab undisclosed European country. The hoodlums did not survive the encounter with the Chicago PD and several engaged passengers, although they seem have had access to military-grade poison gas.

Five passengers, the Egyptologist Dr. MacKenzie, the sharpshooting medical student Ms. Baker, the antiquarian Mr. Lake, the aviator Mr. Chester and the renowned antiques dealer Mr. Pollack, all of Arkham, Mass., were arrested by Chicago's Finest. They were subsequently released against bail, and rumor has it that they were bailed out by the film mogul Mr. Samuel Goldwyn. 

The 10.34 from Los Angeles

The first class dining car in the 10.34 before it was destroyed

The scene of the crime in Union Station

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