Saturday, November 21, 2020

A Discussion at the Arkham Sanitarium on Tuesday, October 21.

Tuesday, October 21, 1924:

Dr. Herbert DeVos was still suffering from a dreadful headache, probably the result of being poisoned the day before. Damn that woman! Head Nurse Abigail Dawson refused to acknowledge the sad state of DeVos as she towered above the Head Resident of the Arkham Sanitarium. "I cannot believe that Patient 33 was simply wheeled out as if nothing happened! And how in the name of all psychoreactive drugs did you allow that to happen, Herbert?" Dawson's usually sultry voice had hardened to the voice of a particularly harsh drill instructor. "Herbert, you are not paying attention. Did you not see what that MacKenzie friend of Nurse Baker did? She managed to turn us all into mass hysteria by some strange hypnotic suggestion. Did you not see how our most qualified wardens fled down the corridor from Examiniation Room 13 as the inmates screeched and wailed? No, you were out, clearly duped by Nurse Baker and her cronies."

Dr. DeVos still had a difficult time recalling the exact turn of events. He had pencilled in an appointment with a Dr. MacNamara of the Miskatonic University regarding one of her students who had been admitted on Friday. This was a foreign girl, German, with few friends and no relatives in the United States, it seemed. She was exactly the kind of patient DeVos and Dawson were looking for. A fairly young, healthy woman  A couple of, hum, administrative errors and a telephone call to the relevant authorities made sure that Ms. Gretchen Weiss became Patient 33, and thus perfect for the Special Research Department of the Arkham Sanitarium. Director Hinchliffe would never find out, even if he actually cared. The old idealist was not ready to take on modern science! Head Nurse Dawson had previously allowed Dr. MacNamara a brief visit with Patient 33, but DeVos had clearly underestimated the dedication of MacNamara, Baker, and those threee strange, strange other fellows. But what happened? Chaos in the office, MacNamara passing out, her companions running around, trying to comfort MacNamara while Baker apparently slipped him, the Head Resident, a Mickey! Dammit, he had planned on initiating special procedures on Patient 33 that Wednesday, and he could almost smell the potential for outstanding success and everlasting fame, not too mention much anticipated, well, personal satisfaction.       

Head Nurse Dawson's voice brought him back to reality. "We were made fools of, Herbert, and you shall pay dearly for this!" Dr. Herbert DeVos, M.D. started loosening his tie as Head Nurse Dawson reached for an enema nozzle and a cane.

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