Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Doctorow och labradoren

 Doctorow går runt, runt, runt på kontoret. Svetten sipprar långsamt nerför pannan under brättet på den solblekta stråhatten, som sett sina bästa dagar. "Nej! Nej! NEJ!", utstöter han så med emfas, blickandes mot taket, där en trött fläkt långsamt viftar runt den närmast stillastående varma luften längs takfärgen som sedan länge börjat krackelera. "Värre än att skåda Dagon, käre Gud! Jag är kränkt djup in i min själ!" Doctorow går ryckigt över golvet, fäktandes uppgivet med armarna, och endast genom gudarnas försorg undgår den enda levande krukväxten på kontoret att knuffas i golvet, och fram till det oputsade fönstret. "Fan också, Lockwood! Det var ju din tur att hålla efter kontoret", muttrar Doctorow, och lirkar till sist upp handtaget till fönstret, som närmast fastkärvat långsamt öppnas, högljutt gnisslande i protest. Doctorow sticker ut huvudet genom fönstret, andas in djupt av den, jämfört med inomhus, friska luften och fyller lungorna, innan han i upphetsad falsett vrålar ut i gränden: "DEt hETeR LAbrAdOr ReTriEVer, OcH InTe ROveR!!!" Efter att ha fått rimlig kontroll över sitt farligt höga blodtryck igen, drar så Doctorow in huvudet till sist. Han går fram till den lilla städskrubben, där Frank Cannon allt som oftast sitter på en skurhink och sover med ena ögat öppet och sitt vapen i knät, och plockar fram städsaker till Lockwood, så att denne får ändan ur och tvättar fönstrena någongång. "Allt ska man behöva göra själv" kverulerar Doctorow närmast parodiskt uppgivet, då han sjunker ner i soffan med dagens Arkham Advertiser i ena näven, och en grogg i den andra....

Monday, June 10, 2024

Dog Missing

It was Friday, February 11, and Bill “The Hook” Lockwood was shivering on the worn couch at Cannon, Doctorow and Lockwood, P.I. after his somnambulism. His whisky bottle had been broken during the burglary yesterday, but it turned out that both Cannon and Doctorow had whisky bottles stashed away in their desk drawers, so Lockwood was grasping a well-fortified cup of coffee between his hands. Bessie Coleridge was already on her way to the office to continue the strange investigation, and the intrepid investigators were quite certain that the curious and irredeemable Madame Tekla would show up shortly. However, when there was a knock on the door it turned out to be a swarthy, tall and stocky police officer. Doctorow greeted the uniformed gentleman cautiously, but Frank Cannon leapt out of his chair and greeted the officer with a wide smile and a firm handshake.

“Rick Gallo! What the…what are you doing in Arkham?”

“We left The City, you know. It is not a good place to work as you grow older, and you know Corinne, my wife, her folks are from Kingsport, so we decided to move here two months ago, and the Arkham P.D. had an opening. I only realized that you were here the other evening when that other P.I., Moe Zuckermann, told me about your agency. Anyway, I thought I’d surprise you. Hey, I see that liquor bottle. Do I need to report this? Nah, just gimme a cup of joe.”

Rick Gallo

Cannon poured officer Gallo a steaming cup of coffee, and introduced him to Lockwood and Doctorow.

“Hey, Frank, you remember when you worked in the city?” Officer Gallo’s New York accent was way out of place in bucolic Arkham. “Youi used to work on some weird cases, right? Like the Doll man homicides? And Rex the Paper Cutter?” Cannon nodded quietly. There were still too many bad memories from New York.

“Yeah, so whaddaboudit?”

“I saw something really weird yesterday. Perhaps not by New York standards, but still...”


“I was out patrolling my beat by the Miskatonic river, by the Old Port, when I heard a really horrifying shriek somewhere by the Ecclestone pharmacy at around 8 p.m.” Gallo took a sip of his coffee. “It was a girl. I didn’t recognize her, but she might have been ten or twelve or so. Her winter coat was splashed with blood, and the was holding a leash. Her dog walk had ended really badly, since the head of a mutt was the only thing left on the leash. Below the neck there was just a mass of tendons, some spine, and torn dog meat. It also seems as if the torn parts were partially covered in some weird foam or ichor, orange to the color and emitting a fetid stench. But then, that might only have been the contents of the poor mutt’s digestive tract. Anyway, thoroughly disgusting.”

Some of the old warehouses by the Miskatonic River.

“I took the girl to the station, and it turned out that she was recognized by one of my colleagues as Annamaria Brady, who lives with her parents, John and Carrie, on 22 East Main Street, next to Christ Church. She had been out walking their Chocolate Lab Rover, when the dog started sniffing something. It apparently then became furious and tore the leash out of Annamaria’s hand. Annamaria ran after Rover, and she was relieved to see Rover peeking out from the corner of a building a few minutes later, but imagine her horror when she realized that the dog’s body had been torn away.”

Cannon, Doctorow, and Lockwood were listening intently. Lockwood had stopped shivering, but he was still all bundled up. “We had her parents pick her up, and they were terrified as well. Poor people! Now, Frank, have you heard of anything like this happening in Arkham or elsewhere, or will this be labelled a car accident?"

That is when Bessie Coleridge and Madame Tekla stepped in to the office.

Annamaria Brady


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Felix Jeremiah, Frau Claire Bonhofer and Franz Alter had struggled for several weeks with the enigmatic third volume of the Pnakotic Manuscripts in the basement of the Neues Museum Library. This was the volume that dealt with what seemed to be no less of a matter than the creation of life itself! The old English text was quite difficult to penetrate, but the trio was up to the task. The contents themselves seemed to be more of a challenge, with vast plethora of bizarre and disturbing concepts stacked upon each other. All three of the impromptu researchers were looking increasingly harried, with Franz Alter in particular looking even more gaunt and haunting. Frau Bonhofer simply applying more harsh makeup, while Felex Jeremiah looked as if he actually might be a young teenager.

The frenzied work of the trio was disturbed a by an equally frenzied MacKenzie MacNamara, who had been cared for by Moira Baker and the other investigators for some time after being poisoned in her office. Well, the office of Professor von Kleist, but Mackie was getting quite comfortable in his spacious office while Professor von Kleist recuperated at the Gollingsdorf Sanatarium.

"Have you seen this?" Mackie was holding a newspaper in her raised left hand, while pointing at an article. "You guys are famous!"


Montag, Dezember 20, 1926

Suspects at Large!

Three individuals are considered prime suspects for the poisoning and murder of Herr Rudy Becker, age 34, of Luitpoldstrasse, Berlin. The poisoning occurred at the Zum Alten Hof restaurant outside Munich, on Saturday, Dezember 18. One suspect has been identified as Frau Claire von Tanz of Berlin, age 42, of above average height, dark-brownish hair, blue eyes, and typically wearing Bohemian clothing. The other suspect is a tall and very slender (more than 200 centimeters) American or British male with deep-set eyes and a handlebar moustache. The third suspect is a child of approximately twelve years of age with dark hair, also American or British, typically wearing formal clothing. These three individuals are to be considered violent and dangerous, and any sighting should immediately be reported to the Berlin Police.