Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Homocide Barbeque!

Frank Cannon leaned heavily on his croquet mallet and stared at the perfectly mowed lawn. It was really nice of Lotus Ashford to let him and his friends Doctorow and Lockwood stay at the Ashford estate, and the young women helping them out and giving them pills were really kind and caring. Even young doctor Emile Schaffhausen, (who had been recommended by Professor Wingate Peaslee of the Miskatonic University's Department of Psychology) was a most pleasant acquaintance, and he insisted on having long, long conversations with them all every other day. September turned into a beautiful indian summer, and as September turned into October, some of the most brutal memories started to fade away. Yet, there were snakes... and the image of Caroline Schubert in a straitjacket, her mad eyes not fully comprehending what had happened, yet realizing that she had lost her love forever as she was being admitted into the Arkham Sanitarium.

Rosie Moorehead and Caroline Schubert/DeLuca, doomed lovers.

Bill Lockwood was also enjoying some unforeseen rest and recuperation at the Ashford estate. He still shuddered inwardly as he thought of his right hook hitting the sponge-like receding chin of that stinky man from Innsmouth, not to mention the events connected to the sisters, or rather lovers, Rosie and Caroline Moorehead. Well, Caroline Schubert was actually Caroline DeLuca, and it seems as if she had inherited the notes of her deceased aunt Eunice Saunders. The notes had provided insights into dark and forbidden lore, referring to strange rituals that might contact and even summon blasphemous entities from beyond time and space. Could it have been that Caroline tried out some of these bizarre rituals on Rosie, but failed? Was it actually Caroline that put Rosie in a comatose state, leaving her somehow possessed by that foul entity, Dagon? A strange sea-god from antiquity, worshipped, yet feared by the Phoenicians? Did the intervention of Cannon, Doctorow, and Lockwood just provide the culmination of a long and tragic series of events? All of this had apparently also led to some attention from distant and weird relatives of Eunice Saunders all the way from Innsmouth. Thinking of the cold and clammy skin of the person that had stalked Caroline and Rosie still made Bill more than a little queasy. 

Bill Lockwood knocked out this strange man.

The notebook of Eunice Saunders

Brad Doctorow was sitting in a lawn chair, half asleep after a sturdy luncheon. As he dozed off, he once again saw the inert body of Rosie Moorehead bloating as he read the weird incantation that he hoped would reverse whatever possession that Caroline had inflicted upon Rosie. The image of Rosie's body bursting open in a deluge of viscera followed by a gargantuan ichthyoid head emerging made Brad wake up with a loud scream. He was, however, still in his lawn chair. A young lady handed him two small pills and a glass of very cold water.

Eunice Saunders.



Wednesday, September 12, 1926
Evening Edition


A major explosion rocked north Arkham by North Garrison Street at approximately 4.15 pm in the morning of September 12. The cause of the destruction was deemed to be a gas explosion under a building owned by Mr. Joseph Burns of Federal Street and rented by a Mr. Francis Cannon. Mr. Cannon was fortunately not present at the time of the explosion, but what seems to have been two unidentified vagrants, one male, and one female, were killed while squatting in the building.


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