Saturday, March 19, 2022

ARKHAM ADVERTISER, Monday, August 31, 1925


This Saturday, September 5, the Miskatonic University will hold a gala opening for an exhibition titled "The Ancient Wonders of Guatemala". The exhibition will feature photographs, drawings and rare objects that were found by the MacNamara Expedition that returned to the United States in late July. Mayor Jonathan Bryce will be opening the exhibition, and he explained to the Arkham Advertiser that he is proud of the academic doggedness and persistence of Dr. MacNamara and the members of the expedition: "Despite facing daunting adversity, the expedition pressed on, fueled by the bold curiosity that is so characteristic of Miskatonic's finest and most daring faculty members. I am certain that I speak for all Arkham when I extend my sincere congratulations to all members of the MacNamara Expedition". "Ancient Wonders of Guatemala" will be open to the public until December 20. 

Miss Amanda Bowman, a graduate student at the Miskatonic University's Department of Egyptology, told the Arkham Advertiser that the expedition suffered through a major earthquake that was noticed in most of northern Guatemala and southern Mexico. The earthquake cost the lives of Dr. Evan Sinclair as well as students Mr. Kenzaburo Miyagi and Mr. George Ellis Wright. Unrelated to the earthquake, Dr. Emil Radetzky and student Ms. Ellen R. Dumont fell victim to a notorious serial killer in Campeche, Mexico. 

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