Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Reading of Augustus Brill


Saturday, May 16, Morning Edition

Socialite Ella B. Cocker was admitted to Saint Mary's Hospital on West Pickman Street last evening. She was suffering from a serious knife wound to her abdomen, but she is expected to recover fully after undergoing surgery. According to Ms. Cocker, a social event which included a seance abruptly ended when the drama of the evening turned undergraduate student Augustus Brill, 20, into a raging madman who killed graduate student Eric Middlegate, 27. Two other guests, Spanish dancer and movie star Conchita Padron as well as Captain (ret) Richard "Dick" Thunderstorm were also attacked, and Captain Thunderstorm suffered several serious lacerations as they carried Ms. Cocker to safety. Augustus Brill is wanted by the Arkham P.D., and he is considered dangerous and violent.

Mr. Middlegate was a graduate student at the Miskatonic University's Department of Anthropology. He was one of Professor Tyler M. Freeborn's most promising students together with Mr. Brill's older brother, Mr. Hubert Brill, who declined to comment further. However, unconfirmed information indicates that Mr. Augustus Brill had been an avid student of the occult and ancient religions, and that this had contributed to his violent episode. Mr. Brill had also been absent from Miskatonic University for much of the semester, and he is claimed to have displayed antisocial manners.

Ella B. Cocker

From the diary of Conchita Padron:

"I could not believe the guttural sounds, wails and shrieks that young Augustus emitted before apparently losing his feeble mind. I am trying to recall the words, and it sounded something like 'Why? Why? Because! Because! It is the will of the begotten, of the dreaded abougdali, of the inner sanctum. Ia! Ia! Yok-Sottoth! The offering will be done!'

'The light will shine ‘til the starts are right and our Lorde comes down from the stars to lead us on ways untrodden.'

'The function equals the derivative delving into the root of minus one.' 

This beyond weird, but perhaps the book from the Miskatonic University Library might shed some light on the matter! And what was the story behind that weird mirror?"

From the diary of Capt (ret.) Dick Thunderstorm:

"I need to buy a gun."

Cocker Mansion

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