Monday, July 26, 2021


It was already Monday, March 8, 1925, when McCloud and Cannon dragged the severely wounded Swede Larsson into the bus. Fortunately, the drive back to the Mitscher Ranch proved uneventful, and Nurse Pettenkoffer could take care of Larsson. However, so many questions still remained, and upon hearing of the trials and tribulations that McCloud and Cannon had faced, Lotus Ashford and the other two amigos decided to seek out the one source they hadn't spoken to: Chief Nascha Alonzo Ruiz of the Antahueca Apache. Lotus Ashford made sure to load various supplies for the impoverished inhabitants of the reservation, and the three amigos departed just before lunch. Chief Ruiz greeted Ashford and his companions, and he was most grateful for the generous provisions. This time the three companions were invited into Chief Ruiz's humble house, and he gifted an Apache blanket to Lotus Ashford before sharing a ceremonial pipe with his three guests. He then proceeded to try to answer all the questions that Cannon, Ashford and McCloud had, and a strange tale started to materialize.

It was a tale of an old and wicked tribe that had been inhabiting the lands prior to the arrival of the Apache many generations ago, before the arrival of the white man. This tribe was very different than the brave Apache. Their numbers were limited, but they were very skilled in bad medicine, and they worshipped a great serpent that required constant sacrifice to remain satiated. This Old Tribe would steal children and such to sacrifice to the voracious serpent, that was known under many names, such as Ha-Yonig, Yiagath or just Yik.

The Apache eventually defeated the Old Tribe, but their practices had infested certain dark hollows and narrow ravines, and it is said that some of this bad medicine still can be found around certain hills and in deep mine shafts, where the the Great Serpent tries to reach out into the world with demands for sacrifice. It may very well have been the case that the Antahueca medicine man, Medah Mitchell Old Horse, had tried to summon some segment of that vicious serpent entity to help the Apache against the ranchers of Otto Argo and Boss Martin, probably using the strange necklace - which had been in Mitchell's possession - to feed the serpent entity with lost souls. Regardless, Medah Mitchell Old Horse disappeared back in January or so, and he had not been seen since. Frank Cannon did send a telegram to his old contact at the Miskatonic Library, Miss Wanda Wright, and she could indeed dig up some information that did seem to indicate that the tales of Chief Ruiz may not be unknown to the ethnographic community.

                                                                Miss Wanda Wright

After these strange events, life at the Mitscher Ranch settled down into a semblance of normality. McCloud studied local history while recovering from his wounds, while Frank Cannon and Lotus Ashford studied the three books left by Otto Argo. These were indeed the dreadful volumes that had pushed young Joseph Mulroney over the edge to the point of suicide while transcribing the tomes. Ashford was a bit more careful, but the first volume was still a taxing read. Being forced to ponder such vast cosmic vistas and an overwhelming feeling of utter insignificance made Lotus's mind and imagination wander off in quite disturbing directions, and he required several days of peace and quiet after finishing the volume. Frank Cannon, on the other hand, studied what seemed to be a manual or instruction on how to perform fantastic feats. Were these instructions just the rambling of a deranged mind, or was there some form of truth in the strange incantations and inscriptions? Frank Cannon was tempted to find out.

The Three Amigos were enjoying a lavish breakfast on March 16 when an unannounced visitor arrived. It was not Father Bose (a regular by now), but a square-jawed stranger with a small military escort who introduced himself as Don Dixon, an astronomer from California. Mr. Dixon told Ashford, McCloud and Cannon that the Federal Government was going to build a new observatory up in the Capitan Mountains north of Lincoln, and that he was interested in hiring help to do the prospecting for a suitable site. Lotus Ashford volunteered Harris Tweed as they all enjoyed cold, sweet iced tea. Dixon seemed like an amicable character, but something was gnawing at Frank Cannon's mind. Was there any connections between the strange events around the Mitscher Ranch and the government plans to all of  a sudden establish an observatory? However, the survey went well, and Harris Tweed could tell Ashford and friends that the government was planning a fairly large structure.

Don Dixon

A couple of weeks later it was Father Bose's turn to show up as a bearer of strange news. He  had heard several rumors of thefts in the community. Nothing really valuable, mainly food and random knick-knacks. Then it was Pedro, who in all fairness did enjoy his tequila quite a bit, who claimed he had seen a werewolf or some other kind of monstrosity with horns and glowing eyes. The case intrigued the Three Amigos, and they started setting out little caches of food and other items as well as guards to see if the Mitscher Ranch might attract any werewolves or mean spirits with red eyes. 

It was on the very, very early morning of April 28 that a strange shadowy presence was noted spying at the Mitscher Ranch. After careful deliberation it was decided that it wasn't a deer or a wolf, but something more simian- or human like. Two ranch hands took to the chase together with McCloud, Ashford and Cannon, and thanks to the finely honed tracking skills of McCloud, the fleeing presence was cornered almost two miles north of the Mitscher Ranch. The strange being attempted to flee, but was met by a flying tackle performed with outstanding skill by Frank Cannon. As Cannon grabbed and struggled with the being, it turned out be a quite disheveled young man in a tattered U.S. Army uniform. He seemed utterly insane, and his mouth struggled to form coherent words besides the animal-like grunts and screams he emitted. Finally, the young man looked at the Three Amigos, and frothing at the corners of his mouth he repeatedly wailed "DON'T LET THEM GET ME!"

ARKHAM ADVERTISER, Monday, 13 April, 1925


The Topsfield Power Plant was destroyed in a series of powerful explosions followed by a conflagration that left the Arkham Fire Department helpless to curb the flames. The cause of the explosions remains to be determined, but it has been noted that Dr. MacNamara, Ms. Baker, Mr. Lake, Mr. Pollack and Mr. Bowers, all of Arkham, are held by the Arkham Police for questioning, although some of these individuals were severely injured in the blast. Mr. Lake has also been charged with reckless driving. Neither the owner of the power plant, Mr. Otto Argo, nor the site manager, Mr. Bogislav Klimnik, have been available to comment. 

Mayor Jonathan D. Bryce held a press conference this morning, and he stressed the serious nature of the explosion, and how Arkham has been plagued by a series of violent events over the last week or so. Mayoral candidate Dunstan Dunford accused Mayor Bryce of displaying "yet another example of his legendary ineptitude" in dealing with the current bout of violence, while Councilman Bedford Duvall pointed out that the destruction of the power plant will lead to a permanent power shortage in the Miskatonic Valley.

Deranged Doctor found outside Arkham
An individual later identified as Dr. Peter Maxwell was found running around the forests north of Arkham in a state of acute mental distress. He had no memories whatsoever, and he was dressed in a full surgeon's outfit, including facemask, gloves and goggles, and a scalpel.
Dr. Maxwell had just graduated from the Miskatonic University Department of Medicine. He was a recipient of the Francis B. Peabody prize for Academic Achievement together with Mr. Herbert West in 1924. Dr. Maxwell has since been left in the caring hands of Dr. Herbert DeVos and Head Nurse Abigail Dawson at the Arkham Sanitarium.  

Interview with a Fish Man
Miss Corinne Hill had the opportunity to speak to Jebediah Pike, an inhabitant of Kingsport who has cultivated an odd pastime, or even obsession, over the course of several years: he thinks he is a  fish man, a creature of legend and also associated with many myths from Arkham County. Mr. Pike invited the journalist from the Arkham Advertiser to visit his small house in Kingsport. It was a quite unique abode, very well kept, with lots of art and objects that remind the visitor of fish and the sea. He was particularly proud of what he claims is one of the actual gate keys to the lost city of Atlantis, although it may strike the astute observer that vague lettering spelling out "1872 Oregon State Fair" still can be noticed along the admittedly impressive key.

The following conversation was recorded:
- Mr. Pike, how long have you been a fish man?
- I have been a fish man my entire life. Well, I was originally a fish boy, and very interested in the sea and aquatic life, but when other boys started on the path to adulthood, I developed gills.
- Gills?
- Yes, you  heard right. Here, let me show you my gills (removes collar).
- Mr. Pike, these bear a striking resemblance to folds of skin with some dander...
- Indeed, but I can use these folds to stay under water for more than two minutes! 
- Fantastic! Now tell me, How does one find suitable company as a fish man? Are there some nice fish women to be found in Kingsport?
- I often attend the tea dance at the Mermaid Café, and yes, there might be someone special with whom I take swims when the water isn't too cold. As a matter of fact, we are planning a small wedding at the Boston Aquarium this July.
- That is great news, congratulations to both of you! Some people are, however, afraid of the sea, and there are quite a few legends of malicious creatures from the sea. Has this ever been bothersome to you?
- In general, the fine townsfolk here are quite used to my "fishy" habits, and I supply both Arkham and Boston with some of the finest fish on the market. I also dress up as King Neptune with trident and all, or even a mermaid, for various pageantries in the Miskatonic Valley. People around here know me well. But there was this one case, when I had heard vague rumors of a fish-themed church in Innsmouth, quite a ways north of here. They were not at all glad to see me, and I was fortunate to have an automobile so that I could make a fleet escape. 

We may not have found out much more about what might be behind some of the myths regarding mere-folk and fish men, but I am so very glad to be living in one of the richest regions of the United States when it comes to sheer eccentricity.

Mr. Jebediah Pike.

B&L Bankruptcy
The Barrow and Locke Mining Company has been declared bankrupt after a violent strike that led to an investigation by the Massachusetts Board of Labor. Several workers had been poisoned by unsafe practices, and legal action will follow.

Strange Find in Fire 
Following the explosion and fire in the Topsfield Power Plant, Arkham police discovered the remnants of three individuals, apparently triplets. The Arkham Police did not divulge further details, but unconfirmed information indicates that this may be a lead in the case of the Handley triplets that disappeared in 1869.

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