Friday, May 7, 2021


Saturday, April 11, Morning Edition

Strange Fowl Found
Two lumberjacks found the carcass of strange beast in the woods immediately north of Arkham this morning. The creature was just short of five feet, and it had some semblance to a crustacean, albeit with wings. The carcass was however badly deteriorated, not to mention sporting several bullet holes, and quite a few parts of its anatomy had been reduced to foul pools of particularly odorous ichor. The lumberjacks attempted to bring the carcass back to Arkham for further examination,  but to no avail, since the carcass separated into lumps of jelly-like matter when lumberjack Bartholomew Knowles attempted to pick it up. The creature did resemble some of the strange mountain creatures mentioned on fairy tales, although it is assumed that the carcass simply was a mauled and rotting predatory bird.

Nefertiti Fashion Shoot Blocks Times Square  
The Nefertiti Studio House of Fashion ran rampant across Times Square this Thursday as they ushered in designers, fashion models, and celebrities into the Astor Hotel on Broadway. Famed fashion feature Mr. Patrice Montague claimed that there will an grand event later this spring and that "I am conquering couture for New York and the United States!" 

Blythe D'Amour modelling a Nefertiti Studios dress for the Spring salon.

Future Flying: All Movies on Board!
Imperial Airways brought entertainment and glamor into the air on April 6 when the regular flight between Paris and London included the screening of a movie. The chosen film was "The Lost World", and the film was enjoyed by the comfortably seated passengers as they sipped cocktails. 

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