The Epic Adventures of Alter, Baker, Bonhofer, Jeremiah, Lake, MacNamara, and Pollack, Paranormal Investigators. Also including the strange events in New Mexico featuring Ashford, Cannon and McCloud, as well as the cases of Cannon, Doctorow & Lockwood, Private Investigators, and now including Antiques by Coleridge.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Broadway Lights: From Nefertiti Studios to The Explorer Club
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Three Painters and a Red Right Hand
- Chef Michel Thibaude had been working in San Diego, but he wanted to see something new, and this was the opportunity. Besides, Mr. Ashford payed well, so why not? Despite his service in the French Navy, Chef Michel was not interested in maritime matters at all. As a matter of fact, he suffered from late onset mild thalassophobia, which made New Mexico perfect. Chef Michel was instead very interested in the art of sausage making, and he looked almost blissful as he mixed raw meat with spices, slowly pushing it into the entrails that had been finished as sausage casings, as to not rupture them. Frank Cannon still didn't really approve. Despite the fine dining, there was something to be said of beans, bacon, toast and coffee. Or cawfee, as Cannon pronounced it.
- Roberto Fernandez, or El Greco, the ranch foreman. Bill McCloud had met "El Greco" before, but he was then just Corporal Robert "Bob" Fernandez, an irritating little shit who clearly wanted to prove himself before the war was over. He was an "F", not for "failure", but for "foolhardy." Something must have happened, though, since this was not the same man. He was quiet, and actually imposing, but gentle. He clearly preferred the company of animals to men, although some would just say that he's shy. So far, nobody seems to know why he's called "El Greco".
- Bjorn Larsson, a mining foreman, and for obvious and unimaginative reasons called "Swede" Larsson. A cheerful optimist, and good company on any occasion, but no pushover. He's not adverse to clearing up any disagreements with his two sizeable fists, although he does not start fights himself. Swede Larsson is a teetotaler, but his prodigious intake of coffee keeps him perpetually buzzed. He loves to play the piano, but he fancies himself being much more accomplished than he actually is, much to the horror of any audience.
- The maid Marita German. Much more than a maid, but not quite a butler. A local, born and raised in Lincoln County. Bill McCloud was in awe. His bath was drawn even before he he had really though about it, and his shaving kit was laid out together with his six-shooter on top of a fresh towel on a stool next to the bathtub. McCloud looked at the steam coming from the bath and thought "Of all the nice women in this region, they managed to pick this sack of potatoes. But then, I think I do not mind living under these particular circumstances, and I'll save my dancing and romancing for when I have time off."
- An accountant, Mrs. Eleonore Harrington. An old company stalwart sent down by Lotus Ashford Sr. Upon reading the telegram, Lotus Ashford folded it neatly and looked out through the office window. "Thank goodness father sent down some help. I was about to get overrun by all these receipts and ledgers, although I must see that Mrs. Harrington doesn't interfere in the running of the actual Mitscher Ranch. For God's sake, I remember being scared stiff of her when I was eleven or twelve. Back then she must have been...oh, 99? I do not know."
Friday, May 14, 2021
ARKHAM ADVERTISER, Monday, 13 April, 1925
The Topsfield Power Plant was destroyed in a series of powerful explosions followed by a conflagration that left the Arkham Fire Department helpless to curb the flames. The cause of the explosions remains to be determined, but it has been noted that Dr. MacNamara, Ms. Baker, Mr. Lake, Mr. Pollack and Mr. Bowers, all of Arkham, are held by the Arkham Police for questioning, although some of these individuals were severely injured in the blast. Mr. Lake has also been charged with reckless driving. Neither the owner of the power plant, Mr. Otto Argo, nor the site manager, Mr. Bogislav Klimnik, have been available to comment.
Mayor Jonathan D. Bryce held a press conference this morning, and he stressed the serious nature of the explosion, and how Arkham has been plagued by a series of violent events over the last week or so. Mayoral candidate Dunstan Dunford accused Mayor Bryce of displaying "yet another example of his legendary ineptitude" in dealing with the current bout of violence, while Councilman Bedford Duvall pointed out that the destruction of the power plant will lead to a permanent power shortage in the Miskatonic Valley.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
South by Southwest

It was a relief to enter Albuquerque, especially considering that McCloud was in quite some pain after the snake bite. He was also dizzy, a tad nauseous, and just not feeling well. McCloud was howewer also quite the stoic, and he endured in private agony until the bus stopped by the small Albuquerque General Hospital. By then, McCloud was feeling a bit better, although still far from good. The doctor at the General Hospital was very helpful, but he could not even identify the remnants of the snake that Frank Cannon displayed. Nevertheless, McCloud seemed to be heading in the right direction, so the Three Amigos departed for the upscale Franciscan Hotel, where hopefully Mr. Wright, or The Collector, would be waiting for them in the Art Deco finery of the hotel. He was supposedly already downstairs, in the tea room, so it was decided to split up: Lotus Ashford would survey the situation from the bar, while Frank Cannon and Bill McCloud sought out The Collector. Hotel staff where more than eager to point the two gentlemen in the direction of The Collector, and McCloud and Cannon found themselves in the presence of a tall and extraordinarily well-dressed tall man who introduced himself with a little bit of a Southern accent. Tennessee perhaps?
The Collector seemed quite eager to hear about the painting that he'd purchased from the Gnospelius sisters, and he offered Cannon and McCloud lunch, which was a most lavish affair. He himself did not partake in the lunch, but he did smoke prodigiously while engaging the investigators in conversation. He turned out to be a witty and charming man, and he claimed to be just what his nickname implied: a collector of objets d'art, especially from the American West and Southwest. The Collector pointed out that he had some hired help available to transport the boxes with the paintings, and they all stepped out to the Frank Cannon's waiting bus. It was now time for Frank Cannon to ask some real questions, and he thrust his trusty .38 snubnosed revolver into the midriff of The Collector.
From the diary of Lotus Ashford:
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Topsfield Terror!
They were all seated in front of Professor Armitage in the dimly lit interior reading room of the Miskatonic University Library. Armitage was unclasping an old book, perhaps ten by seven inches and quite thick, and probably quite old. Two other books were propped up on stands, but not yet opened. Armitage cleared his throat and said:

"I acquired this specimen from Professor Jones of the Religion Department. His son had apparently, well, stolen, the cylinder from an almost abandoned monastery in the remote parts of Tibet where it had been kept for at least two centuries. And yes, we have tried to contact the brain through wiring and electricity, but it seems to be dead, or perchance dormant. This could have been you, Miss Baker!"
Friday, May 7, 2021