Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Wednesday, February 11, 1925

Italian Riots Defy Iron Fist of Mussolini
Arkham, February 3

Fresh violence broke out around Italy as Benito Mussolini's crackdown on opposition newspapers continued. Fascists seized or attacked newspaper presses while at least three were killed in rioting. Mussolini met with King Victor Emmanuel III on January 2 and requested dictatorial powers to quell the chaos. The king refused, but gave Mussolini tacit permission to act however he considered necessary within at least the appearance of constitutional legality. Benito Mussolini made a pivotal speech in the Italian Chamber of Deputies on January 3. He took personal responsibility for the actions of his Blackshirts, challenged his political opponents to remove him from office and then promised to take charge of restoring order to Italy within forty-eight hours. Prefects throughout Italy subsequently received orders to control all "suspect" political organizations. Over the following two days, hundreds of private homes have been searched, meeting halls closed, political groups disbanded and newspapers seized.

Albania has a New President, and Harsher Laws
Arkham, February 3

Ahmed Zog has ascended to power in Albania, becoming its President, Prime Minister and Marshal of the Royal Albanian Army. The new president has immediately curtailed civil liberties in the small Balkan nation.

Ahmed Zog

New Power Plant planned for Arkham
Arkham, February 8

Councilman Bedford Duvall announced yesterday that he is seeing increasing support for the construction of a new powerplant on the Miskatonic River, at a location that remains to be determined. "Arkham is growing, and we see a great need for more electrical power to support the city's growth", claimed Duvall, who also stated that he intends to break ground for the new project no later than April.

Skull of Primate Child: A link to Mankind's Past or A New Species?
Arkham, February 9

Only forty days after he first saw the fossil of a young hominid, Antropologist Raymond Dart completed a paper that named a newly discovered species Australopithecus africanus, the "southern ape from Africa", and described it as "an extinct race of apes intermediate between living anthropoids and man". The paper appeared in the 7 February 1925 issue of the journal Nature. The fossil was soon nicknamed the "Taung Child". Scientists at the Miskatonic University were excited about the find, and Professor Tyler Freeborn claims to the Advertiser that the find may be the first physical find from the long-lost Hyperborean civilization.

Arkham Mining Survey to Proceed
Boston, February 10

The Barrow and Locke Mining Company (B&L) has been granted a surveyor's permit by the state of Massachusetts, and they will proceed to survey the hills southwest of Newburyport. B&L are hoping to find deposits of rare earth elements, which will potentially bring a significant amount of employment opportunities to the Miskatonic Valley and surrounding areas.

Gloves Off for Newlyweds
Arkham, February 9

Boxing champion Jack Dempsey and Hollywood film actress Estelle Taylor were married in a small ceremony on February 7 in San Diego. The bride wore a gorgeous white silk dress with pearl embroideries. 


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