Monday, July 15, 2024

Investigators vs. The Salvation Army

Friday, February 11, 1927. 

Officer Gallo left the office after an additional cup of coffee, and the PIs were intrigued. The case of Annamaria Brady's dog Rover was indeed weird, and somehow there seemed as if there might be a connection between what was going on in the old warehouses by the Miskatonic River and those strange entities that apparently were working hard to retrieve the weird and disturbing jewelry that had been found on board the S/S Ladylove back in December last year. The Arkham PD may have been doing a mighty fine job, but the PIs and investigators felt that some additional friendly questioning might be in place. The jewelry was concealed under a loose stone in the very old basement that the much more modern building that housed the PI office and three other businesses, not to mention three small converted studio apartments for Cannon, Doctorow, and Lockwood.

Lockwood remained in the office, just in case, while Doctorow, Cannon, Coleridge and Madame Tekla took a trip to the Arkham PD for some additional questions regarding the case, as well as some more general inquiries. The office was warm and cozy, and Bill Lockwood soon dozed off. It was not long before his nap was haunted by horrifying images, all seemingly led by the grotesque caped figures in stovepipe hats, and an image of a gargantuan mouth devouring somebody at sea. Fortunately, Lockwood's nightmares of being devoured at sea were dissipated by the return of his dear friends. It even seemed as if the ghostly stovepipe hats had managed to enter the PI office, and Lockwood could share his impressions of the apparitions leaning down towards him, silent and menacing. 

It was decided to John and Carrie Brady on 22 East Main Street, the parents of Annamaria. The investigators piled into Bessie 2 and drove off on a beautiful winter afternoon. Mrs. Brady was already entertaining a visitor, a woman from the Salvation Army, and Mrs. Brady was quite concerned, if polite. The killing of poor Rover just didn't seem, well, natural, and Mrs. Brady was worried about her daughter. However, the moves of the intrepid investigators may have been anticipated, or had they been followed? The friendly call to the Bradys ended in mayhem, though. The woman from the Salvation Army turned out to be none less than Hortensia Robinson, and she attacked Frank Cannon. Meanwhile, the stovepiped hats had appeared on the street a few houses down, and they were subverting the very minds of the investigators in general and Lockwood in particular, pitting friend against friend and testing the sanity of the investigators. Shots were fired, and the stovepipes retreated into an unseasonal mist that mysteriously appeared from the Miskatonic River. Hortensia Robinson was eventually overpowered by Frank Cannon, despite her uncanny physical strength, and she was trussed up and transported to the PI office and subsequently to a shabby motel outside Arkham. The stovepipes seemed to have escaped into a disused warehouse, and the investigators were planning a visit!

Hortensia Robinson.

Later that Friday night, the Intrepid Investigators changed into more suitable garments: coveralls, heavy coats, and filled bags and pockets various types of equipment, including firearms. It was time to put an end to the unearthly creatures that were preying on humanity!

The Friday night was cold, but it seemed as if some of the unnatural mist was lingering around the warehouse, despite the frigid temperature. A single dim light was shining from a filthy window, and the Miskatonic waterfront, the "Old Port" was mostly silent. Even the obscure vagrants that typically frequented the Old Port seemed to have taken refuge from the biting cold. Doctorow managed to open up the door to the warehouse, and the Intrepid Investigators were met by compact silence. Some light was streaming in through dirty windows, and a car was parked almost in the middle of the building. There was what might be an office in the corner and a top floor or landing with various crates. The Intrepid Investigators stepped in quietly, securing the top floor and then splitting up, with some of the investigators proceeding to the upper landing. One of the boxes did contain an impressive amount of cash, and this was confiscated by the investigators to cover any charges incurred.

As the Intrepid Investigators entered the office, the quiet was shattered. The stovepipes had apparently prepared an ambush. What were these creatures? Were they even human? The issue was solved when Madame Tekla opened up with her Springfield rifle, hitting one of the stovepipes in the head, and clearly proving their mortality. It was touch-and-go, though, as the investigators proved vulnerable to the mind-control powers of the remaining stovepipe, pitting the investigators against each other with grevious bodily damge as a result. However, the awesome bitch-slapping power of Bessie Coleridge proved decisive, and the investgigators snapped out of their possessed states long enough to take down. The remaining stovepipe.

Madame Tekla ready for action!

Beware of Bessie!

But what about that trapdoor in the office? Did it lead down to the Miskatonic River itself? And what about that sloshing sound. The investigators had all firearms at the ready as they opened the trapdoor, sonly to see a staircase and a gigantic horror of indescribable proportions in the beams of their flashlights! Several rounds were fired, but the unanimous decision was to slap the trapdoor shut, pile furniture on top of it and leave the premises with utmost haste. 

Epilogue: Sunday, February 13. The PIs and investigators at the office of Professor Harold De Winter together with Professor Henry Armitage, Head of the Orne Library at the Miskatonic Univerity.

"I warned you! Death or worse! You were incredibly lucky!" Professor De Winter was almost scolding the investigators after their horrifying experiences. 
"All of this, and Hortensia Robinson escaped. It was however interesting that she apparently changed her name from DeLuca to Robinson. She's related to both the Saunders family and to the old man Waite himself." Doctorow was fidgeting with his strax hat. He had to get a new one. This one was starting to look suspiciously ratty.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Miskatonic University will gladly become the custodian of the jewelry that seems to be causing so much trouble in and around Arkham. The jewelry will be safe from various other... interested parties. Trust me on that one. Meanwhile, perhaps you should all take some time and recuperate after this mess, and then leave Arkham for a bit. I know that the Ashford fgamily estate will welcome you as guests again, thanks to Mr. Cannon's connections. I also have a favor to ask. Would you be able to attend a meeting for me? It takes place in New York, but I am afraid that I cannot go myself." Armitage handed an envelope to Brad Doctorow. 

Dear Professor Armitage,

I am happy to inform you that the next meeting of the Arbiter's Society will take place on March 15, 1927. The meeting will be held at Happy Harry's Bar, conveniently located behind Mushnik's Flower Shop on the corner of 15th Street and 9th Avenue. RSVP before February 30 to "Jolly Roger".

Professor Henry Armitage

Sunday, July 7, 2024

In Vitro

Yes, the Intrepid Investigators were indeed (in)famous, and they realized that they had better figure out what was going on with the dead young women dug out of fresh graves and relieved of their private parts through horrifying mutilation, not to mention Werner Haupt, Dr. Erich Kaminski, and the abhorrent Proletkult! There was the lead to the abandoned abattoir in the vicinity of Nollendorfplatz, but the Intrepid Investigators felt like more reconnaissance was required. So why not open a store in the area? That Monday and Tuesday, December 20 to 21, say a flurry of activity. A storefront was found and rented, the surrounding flea markets and bric-a-brac shops were raided for "interesting" goods relating to the occult, no, spiritual character, photography, and fetish. Very Berlin. A business plan was drafted by Jules Pollack for the store, which was to be named Zukunft. Both Felix Jeremiah and Howard Lake took turns staking out the abattoir in various ways. Moira Baker adopted the role of medium, dressing up in her very own interpretation of a gypsy, with scarves and crystal balls galore, while Mackie made snide remarks at anyone entering the store.

The Nollendorf Abattoir.

Moira Baker's new look.

Berlin's premier shop for the strange and outright bizarre?

With the shop in operation, the Intrepid Investigators could stay away from the Berlin police and focus on the abattoir. Both Werner Haupt and Dr. Erich Kaminski seemed to frequent the wretched location, and on the Thursday before Christmas Eve, the investigators decided to enter the building once Haupt and Kaminski had left. They were all well prepared with the handgun they had secured, a quite limited amount of ammunition, various tools, and winter clothing 

Despite the supposedly joyful season, the area around Nollendorfplatz seemed to display a very limited amount of Chrustmas spirit. The neighborhood could conveniently be described as 'drab', but this included cold, moisture, smoke, and what seemed to be a whiff of several thousand unwashed human bodies. The half-melted snow on the streets did not provide even an inkling of holiday cheer. There were no carols to be heard.

From the diary of Felix Jeremiah:

What was that place? We have seen so many weird and strange things, but this may be one of the most disturbing encounters ever! I am so grateful that we all kept it together, but yet, my hands are shaking as I am pinning down my impression of that horrifying night. God! I wish it could be erased from my mind, but it seems to be our curse to never forget, and only repeat. Why has the world decided to undo its form and display these abominations from parallel existences, or are they even that? Am I just permanently stuck in an awful dream, while my true self is thrashing and turning in a comfortable bed somewhere?

I managed to scale the outside of the abattoir to a broken window on the third floor, despite the surface being slippery due to ice and humidity as well as unhealthy patches of lichen infesting the walls of the disused building. The inside was even more dismal than the outside, with chains and weird implements hanging from the ceiling and a profound stench of putrefaction. Strange and disturbing noises could be heard from the bowels of the building. Having climbed down inside the building, I opened the front door to my comrades.

From the diary of Howard Lake:

An effigy of days. Memories of infinite darkness, utterly out of the cosmos, yet parallel to the mundane spheres of the mortal. A maze of time, a closed gate open.

This one tried to kill us.

This one just wanted to be killed.

From the diary of Frau Claire Bonhofer:

I had really not believed these strange foreigners when they whispered about ancient evil hidden in the corners of the world and sneaking out from alternate universes. However, the events of that Thursday night may have changed my opinions. They had done such horrible experiments, creating such wretched forms of existence, abominations in the most true sense of the word. We killed all but one, a small girl with so many pairs of arms and legs. Some of these parodies of life were violent, while others were just begging for someone to take them out of their misery. These were mercy killings, all of them.

Cans on strings to alert the creatures inside of trespassers?

From the diary of Mackenzie MacNamara:

Tentacles and a gargantuan vulva. A gargantuan vulva with half-inch thick pubes. Bizarre reproductive parts. Being dragged into a aforementioned giant vagina while juggling gasoline bombs. It is just another day in my life, Nevertheless, the giant birth or breeding contraption that probably had been engineered by Werner Haupt and Dr. Erich Kaminski with the help of Proletkult was terrifying, and seemingly sentient. I did not feel like ending my life by being sucked into a giant vulva. No. Not today. Good thing the police came. Too bad that the place exploded with so many of the Berlin police still inside. This makes me queasy.

Possible segment of giant vulva.


From the diary of Jules Pollack:

The office.

We secured a couple of stacks of paper from the desk in their sort-of office, and now that I have had time to go through them, I am convinced that the USSR and Proletkult are working on a dreadful and very dangerous plan. It does seem - although I am still examining the texts - that Haupt, Kaminski and Proletkult have been trying to use the instructions in the Pnakotic Manuscripts to create what they call Cho-goths. These masses of protoplasm seem to be similar to what we found beneath the pyramid we ventured into in Central America as members of the doomed MacNamara expedition. And Proletkult were in Central America as well! My thoughts shudder when I ponder what an army of such vile beasts could do to the world if they were controlled by the Soviet Union?

From the diary of Moira Baker:

They may have retained their sanity, but I have been working on their physical injuries for days. I am really getting to know my friends well.