Thursday, July 14, 2022


Friday, October 9, 1925

Con-man Candidate Flees Arkham
Mayoral Candidate Dunstan Dunford (D) attempted to make a hasty escape from Arkham early Thursday morning when he found his political plans thwarted. Paul "Country Breakfast" Cox, a member of a rag-tag carnival act from Tennessee confessed that he had been hired by Dunford together with Kurt "Ozzy the Clown" Wegener and Dorothy "Scheherazade" Fleur to terrorize Mayor Jonathan Bryce in an attempt to make the incumbent end his run for a fourth term as Mayor of Arkham. Dunford's real name was revealed to be Jebediah Oakley, a notorious local politician, carnival barker, and Klan member from Nashville, Tennessee, who fled the state five years ago after having shot and injured a Nashville police officer. Dunford was found in Kingsport later on Thursday morning after police stopped his automobile. His accomplice, Albert Moore, opened fire at the police officers and managed to escape the scene. Mr. Wegener and Ms. Fleur remain at large.

Mayor Jonathan Bryce will now face Democrat George Hinchliffe in the November 3 mayoral and town assembly election that Mayor Bryce is expected to win by a wide margin. 

Dunstan Dunford a. k. a. Jebediah Oakley

Apothecary Apprehends Crook. Mayor Saved!

Following the harassment of Mayor Jonathan Bryce by Dunstan Dunford's travelling freaks, Manhattan apothecary Mr. Franz Alter volunteered to help Mayor Bryce protect the mayoral mansion and its inhabitants. Alter, with the assistance of celebrated Egyptologist Dr. MacKenzie MacNamara, fine antiques purveyor Mr. Jules Pollack, and renown antiquarian Mr. Howard Lake, did manage to disable and capture Paul "Country Breakfast" Cox by using a special knock-out syringe applied to the buttocks of Cox after the trio of carnival miscreants had been causing mayhem on and around the mayoral residence. Mayor Bryce expressed his sincere gratitude next day: "This is indeed a display of all the very best qualities of Arkham's citizenry. Bold, determined and resolute, Dunford and his menagerie of crooks did not stand a chance against fine Arkhamites such as Dr. MacNamara, Mr. Alter, Mr. Lake and Mr. Pollack. Independent candidate Mr. Felix Jeremiah took the opportunity to convey his gratitude that the mayor was safe and sound and that Dunford's shenanigans had been stopped.

Mr. Franz Alter


The news regarding Dunstan Dunford's bogus candidacy broke that Thursday morning. Jules Pollack could not help feeling rather good about himself, having helped the elderly mayor together with his friends, the Intrepid Investigators. However, things had to be taken care of. Burlington Jones was working his last week while Jules and friends visited Maine, and he had yet to find a decent replacement. That was when the little bell attached to the front door rang as young woman stepped into J. Pollack Fine Antiques. Jules recognized her as she folded her umbrella and placed it in an umbrella stand that was almost entirely filled with sword-canes, regular canes, a small crutch, a .22 rifle, a small taxidermied alligator and one or two umbrellas. The woman was Carrie Brown, the campaign aid of Dunstan Dunford. She walked up to Jules, who was standing behind the counter. "Mr. Pollack, I am in a bit of a pickle." Jules could not help smiling just a bit. The developing story was definitely a bit more than a pickle. Was Ms. Brown wanted by the Arkham Police? Carrie Brown continued. "You see, Mr. Pollack. Dunford's revolting campaign was my first serious employment opportunity after Harvard, and I was looking forward to adding significant, if local, political work to my CV. This turned out to backfire, as you noticed yesterday, and I am featured in newspapers all over the Eastern seaboard together with that despicable Dunford character. To be blunt, Mr. Pollack, I need a job until all of this blows over, perhaps longer. Would you have an open position? I did minor in fine arts in college, and I have been told that I have a keen eye for antiques." Jules Pollack smiled again and took out a small cigar from underneath the counter. "Ms. Brown, let's talk." 

Carrie Brown

Meanwhile, Felix Jeremiah was feeling frustrated. His own political campaign was getting decent coverage, but mainly due to Felix's stature. "The fools," Felix thought, "The voters are missing an opportunity to vote on the very best political campaign in Arkham. He really did not know what to do. Should he drop his campaign and support the mayor, or should he support one of the candidates running for town assembly? Questions, questions... 


Arkham, October 4, 1925.

Dear Jules,

I am sending you this note as an invitation to you and your dear friends to come up to Maine over the course of the week of October 12. My sister, Bridget Duvall, has together with her husband Edgar Wilkes recently acquired a small hunting lodge in the quaint old village of Phillips in northwestern Maine. I have invited an eclectic group of friends for the week or so, and they include Henry Craig, who's a wonderful musician, Teddy Monroe, and of course my inseparable companion, Jacqueline. We will swap stories, write stories, and even go out hunting for those who are so inclined. Bring suitable clothing for a real New England fall!

I am very much looking forward to seeing you all in a bit more than a week.

Sincerely, your friend, 


Tuesday, July 5, 2022


Wednesday, October 7, 1925

Tommy the Prize-winning Terrier Amputated; Leg found on Lawn
A brutal act of animal cruelty has left the mayoral dog Tommy without a left back leg. Arkham's favorite pooch was found whimpering on Mayor Bryce's front lawn early on Wednesday morning. The Arkham Police Department subsequently received a tip to search a neighbor's house for the cruel culprit. and a brutally severed canine leg was supposedly found. At least one suspect was arrested, but the Arkham PD has not shared any further details.

Tommy the Terrier

Daring Escape from the Arkham Sanitarium

Peter Maxwell, M.D. escaped from the High Security Ward of the Arkham Sanitarium just before midnight on Tuesday. Maxwell managed to strangle a warden, Paul Blakeley, after feigning to be securely immobilized in his cell, and he managed to break out of the sanatorium after securing some medical equipment and certain experimental chemicals. Maxwell was committed to the Arkham Sanitarium after the Topsfield Power Plant explosion in April this year, when he was found running around in then forests north of Arkham in a state of acute mental distress. He had no memories whatsoever, and he was dressed in a full surgeon's outfit, including facemask, gloves, goggles, and a scalpel.  

Dr. Maxwell graduated from the Miskatonic University Department of Medicine in 1924. He was a recipient of the Francis B. Peabody prize for Academic Achievement together with Mr. Herbert West that same year. Dr. Maxwell was subsequently left in the caring hands of Dr. Herbert DeVos and Head Nurse Abigail Dawson at the Arkham Sanitarium.  

Dr. Maxwell

Feds Close up Pleasantville - Population Relocated

Federal troops have closed the mining community of Pleasantville, located in the Halliburton Hills in northern Massachusetts. According to Federal representatives, the site is deemed too contaminated to be inhabited by humans, and the population has been relocated to Boston, Gloucester, and Arkham. Anton Szypczyk, one of the miners, told the Arkham Advertiser that he was glad to finally have a modern apartment and access to a good public school for his eleven children.
