It was Monday, March 17, and the investigators returned to the Mexican District, the shantytown just west of the Los Angeles river. The intrepid investigators filled their automobile with provisions for the destitute population of Little Mexico, although Jules had some difficulty deciding if the poor wretches required caviar or paté. The state troopers allowed the investigators to enter without much questioning, since they did carry several aid packages, and Jules Pollack managed to find his way to the Church of Saint Franciscus, which was open. Young Father Rodriguez was praying in front of the altar, all by himself, as the church had been caring for the many deceased of the congregation. The smell of death permeated the pews, despite the many flowers strewn around the church. Father Rodriguez was talkative, tired, and quite helpful, but he really didn't have any new information that might lead the adventurers to the whereabouts of Theresa Ruiz. However, Father Rodriguez did provide directions to Salvatore Brixi, the coroner who was supposed to know the neighborhood quite well.

Salvatore Brixi
The coroner resided in an unassuming office, and Lake and Chester entered Brixi's office while the other investigators remained in the automobile. Brixi could not resist sizing up Lake and Chester while eyeing the empty coffins stacked against one of the walls. Brixi was happy to help, although he turned out to be a strange fellow who left Lake and Chester with a distinct sense of unease, as if the terms "medium" and "tall/slim" implied impending doom. Brixi did not have any new information on Pagano, but he might know where to find such information.
While Lake and Chester engaged Brixi, a somewhat bored Jules Pollack noted several figured emerging from the surrounding alleyways. He alerted Baker and MacKenzie and stepped out of the vehicle to confront the gaggle of hooligans. The thug in charge was quite a bit bigger than Jules Pollack, and without any form of proper introduction, he proceeded to ask Pollack what business he had with the Mary Star of the Sea, and to simply stay away - or else! The situation got out of hand pretty much right away, and the leader of the thugs lashed out to grab Moira Baker's rifle while Pollack struggled with Another one of the thugs. Mackie Mackenzie whipped out the legendary Pocket Knife of Doom, and lunged at the leader of the bandits, burying the knife all the way to the hilt in the arm of the ruffian, while Baker struggled to get control over her rifle. A shot burned off, and this was of course noticed by Lake and Chester inside Brixi's office. They all ran out as a couple of thugs tried to surround the automobile. Lake fired off an aimed round with his Luger, hitting a bandit in the knee, but Lake subsequently decided to skip the niceties and blew off the head of the next bandit. Meanwhile, Baker regained control over her rifle, and both Baker and Pollack fired their weapons at the leader of the bandits. Two bandits were now dead as doornails, one was wounded, and the rest fled unceremoniously.

These thugs were not prepared for determined investigators!
Brixi offered to "take care" of the dead thugs, and he also recommended that the investigators talk to the proprietor at the local unnamed bar. The Amazing Andreo was apparently one of the best sources for information in the Mexican District. The bar was in an open courtyard with dimmed lights and posters depicting the Amazing Andreo, who turned out to be really tall and muscular female Mexican wrestler who ran quite a tight ship, or rather bar. Considering the disease ravaging the community, the bar wasn't particularly full, and the Amazing Andreo was more than eager to serve the investigators, in this case Moira Baker, Mackie MacKenzie and Salvatore Brixi (who labelled the Amazing Angel "large/wide"). She did know of a house that had been rented to a person that matched the description of Pagano, and she also managed to coax Moira Baker into appearing at a wrestling extravaganza that was supposed to take place next Saturday, March 22.
The Amazing Angel.
By now the investigators had what they hoped would be the address to Pagano's rental schack. They decided to pay the house a visit first thing next morning.
The streets were mostly empty as the investigators returned to the Mexican District. A local was peacefully napping at the corner of the block where Pagano's rental was supposed to be located. Chester and Lake told the other investigators to stay clear of the door while they sneaked up against one of the walls. The other investigators remained oblivious right in front of the door, and as Chester opened the door, unleashing two furious and maddened Rotweilers that attacked Pollack, Baker and MacKenzie.
A fierce dogfight ensued, and as the investigators tumbled around with the crazed beasts, Moira reached for an unlikely champion: Karen the hen, who was quite terrified in her cage. The feathered companion did manage to distract one of the crazed canines, and the investigators subsequently did dispatch the dogs without further ado. The small and filthy schack did contain a basement, and a very scared Theresa Ruiz was found chained to a potbelly stove. This was a happy ending of sorts, although there was no sign of the villanous Pagano. However, there was still a book to purchase, a wrestling event to attend, and a movie mogul to satisfy.