Friday, July 24, 2020

In Need of Experts, Part Two

Classified ad in the Los Angeles Times, March 14, 1924:

The Los Angeles Historical Society will be holding a gala and auction on Wednesday, March 26, at 7 pm. The auction will take Place at 1122 Larchmont Street in Hancock Park, and a great range of unique items from Los Angeles' past will be featured, including several rare books as well as works of art. The proceeds from the auction will help finance a new building for the Historical Society.

1122 Larchmont Street

Some excerpts from the notebook, a 162-page heavy bound book with all but eleven pages filled with scribbled notes, enormous amounts of repetitive prayers, charts and tables, as well as sketches of questionable spiritual value

There is truth. There is. Mankind is mankind, only mankind, and we are the blessed servants of God, our Lord. All these women surrounding us, they distract us, and try to keep our eyes from God, the one, and the many. Womankind cannot be redeemed, and they are an abomination, whores of Babylon, as was stated in the earliest and truest of Christianity. Our Lord, My LORD, I am not worthy.

The Israelites knew it knew how………….the immortal offering, defying the Antipater. How do we speak to Our LORD, God Almighty. Our OverLORD!!!

I listened to the Dominican brothers, I listened well. My body listened well, and my soul immortal soul followed after consuming the blessings of the Dominican brothers, our Holy, holy purpose to serve as a vessel for the will of Our LORD! The Dominican brothers are blessed, they have taught us SO MUCH! They know the way, the path, and I need to understand the path and the road of ICHTHYS.

I believe I may have found the real meaning of ichthys. It is not IESOUS CHRISTOS THEOU YIOS SOTER. We were looking at the wrong language, it is not Greek, it is Hebrew. Ichthys, fish, is דחג (DAHG), beckoning to Jahve as its Phoenician avatar Dag(on), Dagon. Dagon.

I have since delved into the ancient legends and the lore of Baal and Dagon, where I seem to find the roots of Christianity and the voice of God, our LORD, the real voice and the true face of God as seen in the original days of mankind. It is a deeper (pun intended) history and faith than we usually consider within the realm of the Holy Bible. We are not studying the Holy Bible in the right way, not according to the old, original ways. I have spent many days looking at other works of mystical history to really understand. I have looked at the collection of Egyptology and Judaism in LA, and I have found that there are items here in Los Angeles that provide direction as to how to properly worship the LORD, our God. I have also read Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New England Canaan,  and even excerpts from The Book of Eibon and the Unaussprächligen Kulten of von Juntzt. There are many strange and fantastic indications of what Christian faith really is, and how we have misconstrued it. I struggle with many passages though, and especially with the phrase Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. It is not of any language I know, and I have tried to apply many conventional scholarly works of language on it, but without success. I am actually considering this as mere scribbling of a bored transcriber.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Los Angeles Times, March 12, 1924

Sheriff’s Relief Organization formed in Los Angeles

A Sheriffs’ Relief Association has been organized by Sheriff Eugene Biscailuz as the benevolent arm of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department as of March 1, 1924. Its primary purpose is to address the needs of Department members during individual times of family crisis. Its membership is to be composed of sworn and civilian and current and retired employees who maintain their active status in the Association by paying dues collected monthly via payroll deduction.

“Winter Olympics” a Great Success

The 'International Winter Sports Week' in Chamonix that was organized by the French Olympic committee has been deemed an outstanding success, and it has been decided to hold Winter Olympic Games every four years, and the inaugural completion has retroactively been named the First Winter Olympic. The events in Chamonix included bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey and various versions of Nordic skiing. Norway won the most Gold medals, with 4, for a tally of 17 overall. 

Mysterious Double Pneumonia in Latino Neighborhoods

Francesca Guiterrez, age 15, was taken ill last week and pronounced dead upon arrival at St. Mary’s Hospital on Friday, February 7. Her neighbor, Lucena Hidalgo, who was six months’ pregnant, and who had cared for Ms. Guiterrez, miscarried and passed away later that same day. These are some of the latest victims of what has been labeled ‘double pneumonia’ by medical examiners. Several blocks of downtown Los Angeles have been quarantined as of Monday, February 10.

German Reds to enter Election

Germany has declared the German Communist Party, KPD, to be legal, and it is expected to take part in the elections for the Reichstag on May 4, having abandoned the goal of immediate revolution. The KPD has a new leadership since 1923, and it is expected to campaign vigorously. The new leadership is nowadays supposed to be quite loyal to Red Moscow after previous demands from Lenin and Trotsky to change the leadership of the KPD.

Theft at Los Angeles Museum of History, Science and Art

The Los Angeles Police Department has not commented on what seems to be a burglary of the popular Los Angeles museum on the night of March 11. According to the head of the Egyptology Department, Dr. Joseph Warren, several very valuable items were stolen, including a gold-plated candlestick and written works from antiquity.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Late Evening, March 12, 1924

The following conversation took place between Jules Pollack. “Mackie” MacKenzie, Henry Chester, Moira Chandler and Howard Lake on the late evening of Wednesday, March 12, 1924:

“This is perfectly ridiculous, you know. What is this? The Underwear Thieves of the Underworld? I really anticipated a spending time somewhat differently here in Hollywood”. Jules scoffed while he grabbed another chilled bottle of champagne. Domestic, not imported. “My Hollywood memoirs will indeed be a bit disappointing”, Moira replied. She was fieldstripping her trusty Winchester rifle, not because it was necessary, but better safe than sorry. Jules nodded approvingly as Moira slid the bolt into the receiver, although he still preferred his trusty Colt .38 revolver, a most pleasant handgun to own and fire. Much better than a croquet set.

Henry Chester stretched and looked at his fellow travelers. “I would respectfully disagree. Have you even paid any attention whatsoever to the work of Page Parr? I am dumbfounded by her artwork and makeup skills! Look, even Howard seems to have picked up a thing or two. What do you say, Howard?” Howard Lake nodded. “But this otherwise seems to be a menagerie or circus! It is indeed amusing to see how the actors differ from their roles. Square-jawed action hero van Buren is the most self-obsessed individual I’ve ever met, and what a queen to boot. What a polar opposite to Charles Bernard, who seems to be the commensurate professional, albeit a rather private individual”. “Oh, and look at William Gerrymor”. This was Mackie chiming in. “A drunkard and druggie with fake Queen’s English. By the way, someone mentioned that he is in some serious financial debt”. Lips pursed, Mackie looked down over some the set designs before rolling her eyes yet again. “Sebastian Brunt is such a nincompoop. Could you ever…” Mackie was apparently less than happy with some wild interpretation of Egyptian murals. “I mean, he may be a graduate student of Egyptology, but this is just ah-pall-ing. Brunt had better be a much better assistant that a set designer, or I can see Mr. Goldwyn looking for a new assistant sooner rather than later. Jules, pour me some of those bubbles, will you?”

Moira put down her rifle after working the action with deft hands. “So what do we really have here? A mummy at large, clearly both a quick and fairly powerful man-being, having run into him myself. We have missing undergarments galore, initially from the famous femmes, most notably Rita Zann herself. You know, having spent some time with her, I must admit that she is wound tight. Moody, interested and intense are just some words that come to mind. She also mentioned her grandfather Erich was a musician, and now she insists that I am a natural violinist!” Jules looked up and laughed just a bit too loud. “You? A violinist?” For some reason, this amused Jules a lot. “Most people seem to be plain eccentric, if there is such a thing, and some, like dear Mr. de Vries, are really nice. Actually, even the director, Mr. Besser, is decent man, accent and all, but his assistant is a mean son-of-you-know-what, and he seems be a bit of a woman-hater. Did you all notice how he refuses to talk directly to Mackie and Moira? I also think that Mr. Shelley needs to be watched a bit. He really seems to be a diva, and he does not miss an opportunity to slander and ridicule. He actually seems to be particularly venomous towards van Buren, or am I wrong?”

Henry Lake said, “I do not know about Shelley, but Pagano is rough, although he seems to know his stuff. He lectured me on old books just yesterday, and as an antiquarian on a movie set, I really did not know what to say.” Lake emptied the last of the bottle of champagne, and as Jules reached over for a fresh edition of bubbles, there was violent knocking at the door: “Let me in! Let me IN!” Moira opened up the trailer door, and in a cloud of alcohol, there was William Gerrymor holding Rita Zann in his arms in a most unromantic way. Gerrymor’s shirt was bloody, and Rita Zann seemed unconscious. Gerrymor looked at Moira, eyes wide, froth in the corner of his mouth, and he half-mumbled, half-yelled “it… ATTACKED Rita…it bit and ATE Rita!

Moira just managed to catch the two actors before Gerrymor’s legs buckled. 

Van Buren


Charles Bernard

De Vries

Joe Pagano

Sebastian Brunt

Page Parr

Rita Zann

 Keith Shelley